
Help others install VLC, like this protester assisting the police with their install!

Would you like to be my sidekick? You could drive a Suzuki Sidekick?

That phenomenon is much more pronounced with trucks, but it increasingly exists throughout the marketplace. Look at midsize sedans - there really isn't a "bad" one in the bunch, there are some that are stronger than others, but none are terrible. The industry has changed markedly in the past several years.

Also this

Like I said in my other article it really comes down to management and dealer philosophy. If the management understands the long term game of customers for life or at lease a good referral foundation they will encourage their sales staff to be more customer oriented with less pressure. It is sometimes those super high

I read that as, "strewn about in 427 pieces," laughed.

I don't know, I kind of just poured my martini into the socket.

Best matching angle of the Sorento I could find.

Surprising most of your comments could also apply to GM as a whole. So tell me again how Pontiac needed to be killed?

No... Pontiac for life!

I still say the Sky looks a ton better than its Solstice twin.

I think the thing that killed Pontiac from a car enthusiast stand point was no real options for manual transmissions. This was a performance division with what two cars with manuals? Would have been nice to have the GTPs and SSEi come with them.

Where will these test drives be at? I'll be there if it's one of those 72 hour ones on a weekend near an autocross.

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Chrysler does advertising right. No questions asked, they always get your attention.

Typo in the headline? C'mon guys...

taking another look, black vest is just being a MASSIVE asshole. You see him riding beside the rover, looking at the driver, around 18 seconds in. then he pulls directly ahead of him while looking back at him, and brake checks while continuing to look at him. I hope he got the worst of it.

Really? The design revolutions that were the LH cars? And the JX cars? And the Neon? And Viper? And '94 Ram. And '93 Grand Cherokee? And '96 Chrysler minivans? Dakota/Durango? Prowler? Chrysler is pretty much solely responsible for realizing the dreams of car buffs everywhere by putting wild concept cars into

+1, life-long Hoosier reporting in. The idea of lane etiquette is totally foreign to the morons who live here. On the interstate, people will get into the left lane, park next to a big rig truck, and just sit there for mile after mile.