
try either installing the BootCamp drivers (and AppleTime service), or the RealTimeIsUniversal registry hack

that's the point, the FAT32 part is a placeholder, which won't work if you leave the partition empty.

actually when this happens to me it's almost always that I did something incredibly stupid, or im using something incorrectly

NetNewsWire on a Mac, Windows Live Mail on Win7

i was one of those precious few who recently got their backorders filled, and I thought I couldn't be happier, then...failed prints to my 2605DN, a scary fuzzy-speaker moment fixed by restarting, no more Care Pkgs for sale, only Visa and Mastercard in the app store, weather doesn't refresh in Exhibition, New Yorker

that was my point, even the best htpc i can imagine will still be connected to cable

frankly im still building and rebuilding the Win7 HTPC of my dreams, in my head. and you better believe the centerpiece is a Ceton tuner.

as the proud owner of three SX-70s i bought on ebay over 10yrs ago, I approve this post

does anyone remember the flexible (and stretchable!) displays in Red Planet?

i was going to link to a youtube video, but theyve all been taken down. It was "Door Handle", season 3. And she already had "rehydrate" and "breakfast: black coffee and crispbread" on the organizer before she threw it out

you've obviously never needed to update/fix a broken function that was done with flash. im not saying its the jesus platform, but all too often junior developers avoid it because they don't know enough, or they don't have an IDE to check for bugs. flash ends up hiding their sins. also, you should really look into the

uhh, i'd expect the rendering capabilities to be _expanded_

its always a horrible surprise when a gadget or something else you expected to be html+js turns out to run on flash. no more flash surprises!

i noticed there's no mention of VNC/SSH gateways, isn't that preferable to opening separate ports for each machine?

does anyone know if notation velocity allows docking to a side of the screen? I still use sidenote because i need my notepad to disappear when I'm not using it, and a left-hand drawer works perfectly for me. wish it would sync tho, it's pretty old.

the spacenavigator "3d mouse" for design and modeling

XP users can always use "EnableAutoLayout" in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OptimalLayout

since it's so god-awful in HTML, reformatted for printing:

just enable SNMP and Bonjour for networked printers and you're ready to go, though I don't think SNMP works right away with XP. No more installation CDs or HP's Install Network Printer Wizard