
Miami. You have the hellish mix of tons of rain, a sprawled-out big city, and a good portion of people that are either unlicensed/illegal, or old as hell (either way, ain't got shit to lose, nor basic understanding of traffic law). Also, because its bilingual, most communication is handled through horns, fingers, and

I'm not kicking anyone back in the kitchen to make me brownies here, but Riggs was 55, and a tennis player from the 40's...I mean, look at the saggies under that shirt of his!

you know, once you photoshop out his second chin, and instruct him to point his first chin at the doesn't even look like he has a second chin anymore! they have given us the face of a cocky mediocre athlete from a blob of southern glazed prima dona!


LOVE it. Can this be the new TD celebration? Every TD he scores, he gets to kick the PAT. Done and done...thank me later

BTW, who else starts at the bottom of the comments and works their way up still? I'm not alone, am I?

All I'm thinking of is this plus the STS-V Northstar engine, with a little tweaking here and there....pahhhhhleeeease?

For a little background, a couple years ago at a UCF tailgate, a cop was jumped by a group of drunk fans when he was checking ID's, shot in the air for help, and was then accidentally shot and killed by a sherriff. that got a UCF ban on kegs and drinking games.....which didn't even last the year before being

You should probably be comparing it to a ratio of population and cash-for-clunkers participants. Are there any cash-for-clunker participants in DC? If not, that would be a pretty good reason why they are heading out of town to snatch them up. Just a thought.

The argument against the bailout is that it is a deviation from free trade...that "things" with the most superior value will be most purchased, and that those with lesser value will be eliminated from the market, with the least amount of dead weight regulation.

there is a thin line between: Ray "was flabbergasted at the difficulty of cramming a passenger (me!) into the back seat"

(me on a limb)

Wow, mystery solved.

But there isn't even a window on the hood to see the top of the intercooler cover?

holden efijy, but to know what it would be like to drive what should have been the pinnacle of GM design.