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    Just saying, screaming “bye bitch!!!” in your article sounds pretty unprofessional.

    Yes, actually. The original Spyro games were very well received and loved, and people have been hoping and excited for a Spyro remaster trilogy for ages.

    No no, the Crash Trilogy will be out on Switch, XBone, and PC on July 10th. The supposed release date for the Spyro Trilogy is September 21st.

    Ignoring the fact that Japanese people are statistically thinner that westerners, each of these characters has something shown about their lives that leads to this body type (aside from them being Phantom Thieves). Ryuji is an ex track star, Ann is a model, etc. The only one that could be argued is Futaba, since she

    Oh so fat-shaming is bad unless it’s someone you hate? Alright.

    Man I’ve got a PC with a GTX 1060 6GB, and although my CPU isn’t super high end I can barely get a consistent 40fps on ARK.

    Man, now I WANT all these characters to die. Don’t do this to me!

    New logo, different copyright, BotW link, it’s very unlikely it’s a deluxe version. It’s been 4 years since Sm4sh released, 2.5 since DLC ended. There were less than 2 years (iirc) between 64 and Melee.

    Theres nothing bad with it being a port machine, but it really isn’t. We’ve had plenty of major and minor new games last year, continuing well into this year.

    Detestably Xenoblade Chronicles X

    No. A new game, a new game, a remake, an amiibo for a remake, a port, an AAA game, and DLC.

    And what says he’s a Trump supporter? I’m not and I still agree with what he said.

    Because Twitch is a streaming service for games. If you want to stream for sex appeal, go somewhere else.

    Never forget that one person who literally traded a car for it.

    Hasn’t this been happening since the Bayonetta Sm4sh DLC came out? Have they still seriously not just realized how stupid they sound?

    There’s a bit of a difference between asking for a big multiplatform title (like MHW) to come to the Switch, and asking for a Nintendo developed game like Breath of the Wild to come to PS4.

    Imagine this. Your entire fleet is followed through hyperspace, and you don’t know that the enemy has the ability to track you like that. What would you assume? Probably something along the lines of a traitor being on board feeding information to the enemy.

    I don’t even want to get into every reason why this article is wrong, so let’s leave it at this; the proper term would be “xenophobic” or simply just “bigoted”, not racist.