
Tom Waits is in that movie? Is it worth seeing? I remember the trailers being amusing at the very least.


Protect Springsteen as well please.

Oh but it's fine when Daltrey says he can see for miles. God I hate these double standards. /s

Agree: Animals-mals is a dumb thing to say.
Disagree: automo-bills is a dumb thing to say.

I hate the Dodgers, but I'm pretty content with winning 3 mlb titles in 5 seasons. I have no desire to be you guys.

Im confused.

It looked good, but I never watched it. I apologize, it is all my fault.

When you look at as a film score, it's really great. When you look at it as a Mogwai album, it just feels disappointingly understated. There's none of the moments that made me fall in love with Mogwai in the first place.

Biggest takeaway from this: Wolf Parade is coming back! I didn't know that and I feel bad for not knowing that.

Ehh, after seeing his twitter and his political beliefs, I have a hard time calling him a national treasure. Trebek was always better anyways.

New goal, use the word broletariat as much as possible.

First time I honestly didn't know, but second time I was just playing along with his joke. Thanks for the answer though :)

Yeah, but which kind of lens flare? I tried the first kind, but I still couldn't figure out what the movie was. Any suggestions?

Apologies if someone has already asked this, but what is the header image supposed to be?


I realize that, but I don't think it's well done at all. The whole telekinesis thing seemed like it was kinda thrown in, even with respects to the Rainmaker.

I definitely get the feeling that I'm one of the youngest that comments on this site.

I thought that the time travel element of Looper and the interplay between the young and old versions was well done. All the other sci fi elements seemed to be tossed together haphazardly with no real thought to world building. The movie basically said, "Oh, and by the way some people randomly have telekinetic powers

You're gonna love my new boxing movie!