It’s just never enough for you people, is it?
It’s just never enough for you people, is it?
You’re supporting a false narrative, and standing on the side of a stolen-valor liar. You’re as biased and stupid as the dope who wrote this article.
You are a disgusting, and deranged person. I hope you don’t own a firearm. Seek help.
Hopefully it isn’t a man-hating bore-fest of unfunny shite like the most recent dogturd.
If Trump said the same thing, you guys would be like ”orange man bad!”, and you know it.
Whatever anyone says, she’s still fucking dumb.
He’ll get away with it because he’s not a conservative. People on the left never get scrutinized as much as people on the right. Only when it gets too big. Unless your name is Clinton, then you can get away with anything.
The only people who give a fuck about this shit are the retards like you who write these articles.
They probably did this because Christmas is Christian, and so the Muslims etc would be triggered. Gotta bend the knee, you know?
“Solo’s L3-37 improved every scene she was in”
The Marauder Corps woman looks like Herman Munster in drag. Can’t wait to level up and change faction . I don’t know why tgey didn’t let us choose any faction from the start.
Fucking kill yourself, you oversensitive idiot.
Well, she enticed him.