
Cuz... he wasn’t in the first TMNT movie?

The persona used by the Beast really was the draw, since a format like this needs a strong “villain” to root against. It’s the one thing that disappoints me about Jane Lynch’s version of The Weakest Link, she doesn’t seem mean enough to me.

If Rey and Kylo were this trilogy’s idea of developed characters, I don’t think he missed out on much.

Gotta say I would much rather watch a Star Wars trilogy about Boyega as a former stormtrooper discovering who he is and what his place is in a post-Empire galaxy than whatever the hell was going in the Resistance Trilogy.

Everyone not named Rey, Ren, and Luke got fucked over in the sequel trilogy. Even though Force Awakens was incredibly derivative, I felt that there was at least the promise of having Rey, Finn, and Po be the core characters on the good guys end. They had two more movies to expand and add a little more depth, but Finn

What exactly are people expecting to happen here?

This whole thing doesn't make you look as good or noble as you think it does, and this is coming from a hardcore liberal. This ain't it, chief.

Weird how as soon as someone brings up, oh I don’t know, the United States massacring civilians in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War or retreating Kuwaitis in the first Gulf War, it becomes a personal attack.

Ya, I’m scratching my head as well. Last I knew the Kuwaitis were Allies and we were kicking the Iraqis out of their country. Maybe I missed something, but it’s more likely the author simply doesn't know the difference.

Is this what Kotaku does now? This is Buzzfeed levels of journalism.

All of Ian's articles are as insufferable as this. Look up his "reporting" on Biden's Animal Crossing Island. He spends the entire article bashing Biden instead of actually talking about the video game piece. It's almost like he is on a political site and not a site about video games.

Absolutely not defending our insane military spending, or the crimes the Army has committed in the name of “freedom”- but asking your average somewhat nerdy military rep on Twitch about War Crimes is much akin to asking a customer service rep at Amazon about Bezo’s fortune.
He’s not remotely responsible for it, has no

I think Ian should show a shrink where on the teddy bear the US military touched him.

Wow, how are the Navy approach minorities and poor people so they can *checks notes* offer them jobs with free housing, benefits and retirement!?

Well, that was nuanced.

The Twitch channel is a recruiting tool for the Navy, it’s not there as a debate outlet. So it’s to be expected that any toxic questions get a soft response. Also, it’s easy for lightly educated kids to sit behind a keyboard and throw out claims of “war crimes” without needing to answer for context or validity. In the

You should have seen Ian’s article about how the use of controllers in the military is luring children to join the army to mow down civilians because holding a controller makes them think they are playing a game. Derp.

This is horribly written and under researched. Then again, Kotaku, so

You dropped a bit of bias on your journalism, Ian.

(Not that I am supporting the military, at all, but Twitch is not the place for these complaints, and their responses seem pretty standard, not “whiny”. Also, I’d leave the Nazi comparison to sensationalist websites).

I realize the overlap between people with military/foreign service experience and people who write/edit for Kotaku is likely minimal, but this story is roughly 90% barely-hinged and uninformed loathing of all things military and maybe 10% actual coverage of the FOIA’d information. Given the sensitivity of the subject,