
What, no Robin Shou?

Hehehehehe.... sorry

Yakuza, Metal Gear, Biohazard, Persona, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and even more recently, the phenomenon of Animal Crossing.

Super Kirby Clash IS a Sequel

I worked on one in upstate New York.  I saw none of that.  I thought it was pretty amazing to be part of, and I think the families were always happy.  Was it over the top?  Yes.  Hence the name of the show.  Nobody didn’t know what they were getting into, and it was incredibly competitive to be part of.  Ty is not an

I blame it on these youngs. The article is written like Trading Spaces was Ty’s show until its ‘demise’. It wasn’t his show, and he wasn’t even the carpenter for the second half of the original run.

Not to mention the new game + that basically changes all of the dungeons to new puzzles. I got a lot of mileage out of that, considering I can play OoT with my eyes closed.

Does Dolphin run 3DS games?  Because without the updated textures, models, and gameplay tweaks, there’s no point in emulating.  The 3DS version is still a better experience.  

I’m not going to link the game here

Has 2020 not taken enough from us already? Will it stop at nothing???

No, of course not. What kind of moron does that?!

I am just going to say this but she should have retired in 2014 when the Dems still held the Senate and she knew she had end stage pancreatic cancer. She was an icon but that doesn’t mean she didn’t fuck us totally by not stepping down. 


This is the worst thing to happen in 2020.

For $25.00 for the set that’s not a bad get.

Yeah. Kotaku writers need to load this site without an adblock before making any comments how any other service does ads.. Or whether it fucking sucks or not.

Keep your Smash I was disappointed by the lack of historically accurate giant robot scorpions and not a single mention of Ridge Racer.

I’ve never played a picross game, because the idea of spending money on a game as simple as this is nuts.

Monster Hunter predates the drink and is based in Japan which is a legal territory Monster probably doesn’t want to touch.

Best guess? Lack of use. Either culturally or in-game. These probably originate with big Nintendo in Japan where one could assume the KKK doesn’t have a huge following.
Dark side: Japan did fight ‘with’ the Nazis in WW2 and they are supposedly one of the more racist countries in the world.