
For the tenth time – no, I don’t want to sign up to the Kotaku newsletter. CAN YOU STOP ASKING!? The browsing experience of this website has been bad for a while, it amazes me that you continue to make it even worse.

Never underestimate how quickly a non-gamer/technologically illiterate parent’s quest for Christmas Joy melts into utter apathy followed by, “fuck, it says Xbox on the label, I’m over this just bag that one up I’m out of here”. I have a feeling there’s going to be a relatively high # of disappointed kids this year.

Gaming enthusiasts always, ALWAYS over estimate their representation in the larger population.

Not even close. The naming is stupid, full stop. Even putting aside Series vs One, which again is just the dumbest thing ever, the Xbox Series S is less powerful than the Xbox Series X. Meanwhile the PS5 and PS5 digital editions are the exact same besides the disc drive. Microsoft is 100% trying to deceive consumers

This needs more stars

I work in IT developing for, and supporting, a major retailer. This SKU naming nonsense has caused no end of confusion, especially while trying to implement their whole subscription-bundle program across both generations. Especially while doing it all remotely via Microsoft Teams.

People who don’t see this as a problem obviously never worked retail before. 

You are way underselling it. One of the most basic rules of consumer goods is to never get too complex with product names. Will gaming nerds have problems? No, or it’s very unlikely. But for casual gamers and young gamers who Microsoft and by that count, Sony need to buy in, it is bothersome and retail employees will

Clearly some people actually care about this one!

I’m all for Kaepernick’s cause, but there’s a little revisionist history in the article. The headlines didn’t focus on his sideline actions instead of his play, because by the time he was protesting, he was no longer starting.

I was an ASM at Gamestop, and this was like prime ‘terror-inducer’ for me.

I know you guys don’t like facts in this family of sites but he literally had a workout for all 32 teams in November 2019. It was highly publicized, not sure how it didn’t show up in your research for this story. 

Tell this to my sister’s who routinely have to call me about every video games purchase ever since one of them accidentally bought a wii instead of a wiiu Christmas of 2012. Microsoft naming schemes are a god damn joke. Xbox One, really? Series X? Series S?????

For every parent who’s an active gamer, there’s another five whose video game experience consists of playing Solitaire/Free Cell at work and/or Candy Crush on their phone.

Unless you have some weird metric for what you consider to be 100%, there is no way in hell 100 hours even cuts it close

I am conflicted. I disliked Breath of the Wild but loved Hyrule Warriors.

100% in 100 hours seems impossible, even if you’re not including maxing out all the characters.

I was legit sad that BOTW didn’t use the Ganon design from HW. HW Ganon is best Ganon imo.

I don’t see how that’s even remotely possible. 100 hours to 100% EVERYTHING in the game doesn’t seem believable whatsoever. Keep in mind I’m going for top ranks and every reward across all adventure maps and that includes DLC. I probably put 100 hours into the first adventure map alone. I’ve only reached the level cap

It is less on CN/Adult Swim and more on the show runners not having their shit together. I had friends who worked on the show. It was a disorganized mess. They were given deadlines and kept missing them over and over. AS gave them more slack than they really should have and they were lucky they were not axed years ago.