
Well, my read on it is to ultimately be able to defeat Ra's in a rematch.

I think you might be mixing up your tropes with the women in refrigerators That's supposed to be about a dead female love interest to motivate the male hero. And…that's not the case here..

He never had a chance. He was drunk through most of his college years, which he still managed to drop out of. And he never went to business school.

It was mentioned in his conversation with Dig at the end. But, Ollie was lying to himself about his reasoning. At the core of it, Oliver can't get past the fact that he was so easily owned by Ra's. The dynamics of his relationship with Slade was different, because Slade was his mentor. And, the mirakuru made Slade

Well, I think they're already asking themselves that question. I think ever since his return, the team as been fractured. I wouldn't be surprised to see Team Arrow break up by the end of this season.

Fantastic review. Some really good insights, and thoughts on the storytelling and themes within the episode. Really great to take what you've written and think on them, such as Oliver's sense of identity and how it's tied into how he lies.