
Strange..... because they're both nearly exactly the same in almost all regards, sans some more clearer adult humor.


Why do I hear a bass in the background...?

You know, this world would be a whole lot better if weren't for those dirty Commodore 64 players running the stock market....

So if my child, by wild occurrence, chooses the Virtual boy, can I disown him?

You gotta love the guy's enthusiasm.

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I pretty enjoyed Dissidia's EX Burts moves. Underrated game.

If we go through each of the Naruto games, then we'd be here all day. :)

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This not technically a fighting game tribute, but since we're going the real life route and this video looks like it was visually inspired by both Street Fighter and anime, I will include it regardless.

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Valkenhayn's Astral Finish is equally as badass. Though Hakumen's is more graceful, which not saying much considering how much it utterly slays people.

I would be 100% behind this, but you know..... Rare.

Aside from the toxic blood, hasn't there been some consideration that any defeated Kaiju would later adapt to counter any of the Jaegers they fought?

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No Kaiju holding a 9-million iron? That would've been hilarious.

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For you guys who can't view it outside the US.

I love it when Stephen's guests play along to an equally exaggerated degree of his schtick.

Interesting note;

What could be, right?

She traded her skirt for hot pants, apparently.