
The other, more likely theory, is that DC lost rights to a couple of characters; namely Static Shock, which appeared in the missed episode, though is still for purchase in iTunes store.

Mustachioed Gundam beats all designs!!!

My vote goes to this as well...

A lot of Virt's stuff gets overlooked, since he's the one who made the tracks.

Yeah, I took classes in advertising and this pretty much what they'll tell you.

Pretty much...yeah. :T


Seconded on Gravity Rush... :)

Weren't they supposed to release an anime featuring Red?

That's why the first few seasons of Pokemon were pretty good. I remember distinctly where Pikachu defeated another Pokemon using only his claws and a Sandshrew that was immune to water through harsh training. It did not follow conventional rules of the games... and made it kinda fun to watch.

This is not an opinion, it's a false statement, and an uninformative one at that...

Bit surprised Luke hasn't posted on the third episode as of yet....

The ways of commenting on Kotaku are dead.

I think it's time to draw proper anaolgies from games to art;

It should also be a prerequisite, while on the road, that West's Batman theme song be playing at all times.

I know a lot of us are willing to defend the game on the merits of gameplay once it's released...

That's what an evil person would say...

Heh heh...