The closing stanza is the best reason to use it. Life goes on without us, but there always remains a connection to what came before.
The closing stanza is the best reason to use it. Life goes on without us, but there always remains a connection to what came before.
Well said, @avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus . There's also that date in the desert that draws the movie to a shuddering, groaning halt. Fuck, that needed to be about ten seconds long.
The episode under discussion is from S4…
This shit REEKS of selection bias (absurd data set), and begging the question ("If the states had more internet access, they watched more porn. Therefore they watched more porn." and "If this is a form of porn, it's not linked to sexual assault. Therefore it's not linked to sexual assault.").
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
It was just a live action cartoon, don't get your panties in a twist. The scene where everyone is looking camera right for the big bad, and he sneaks up on them out of nowhere from camera left is right out of a Bugs Bunny short. I thought the thing was hilarious from start to finish.
Mr O'Niel, you are on a roll today.
Best credit roll I've ever seen. That music. Those clips. That briefly lingering shot of the blonde woman is almost too intimate for me to handle - I look away almost every time. I smoke a lot of pot while watching this show.
You are accurate re: San Diego strip clubs and booze. Also, strippers can fly out to Vegas for $100 and rake in ten times what they would in SD, so the SD strip clubs are the most depressing places in the world. The only dancers are the ones without the resources or abilities to dance somewhere else.
My vision of Austin came from Dazed and Confused. It was a bit out of date.
You have no concept of love if you think you are in love with a person you met once in a foreign country, who lives 3000 miles away and is currently fucking someone else.
@avclub-84a9f64106792dd9b7e5ba4d631ac12e:disqus Your mom needs to talk to a lawyer. This is exactly the kind of situation that alimony was designed to rectify.
The foot chase in Point Break is another amazing one. Keanu is chasing masked Swayze through a series of backyards, allies and apartments and you always know where each character is right up until the scene ends.
The only good song on that entire album.
@avclub-4cce0644e37052e4c750f194dd5cccfd:disqus stay away from anything Sam Kieth has ever touched.
@avclub-985d212e6afdce1ea7dc206c8d1963a1:disqus A running timer that increments only during establishing shots of San Fransisco.
He did not bring his A-game to that piece of shit period piece with Nic Cage where they kill witches or something. Other than that, I absolutely agree.
@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus "that's right, when we stake out a new village we exterminate the predators because they pose a threat to our survival. systematically, and hunting in groups"
Two more, no matter what.