No asshole, what we need right now are #thoughtsandprayers
No asshole, what we need right now are #thoughtsandprayers
It’s true. Had there only been more guns in the house, this whole horrible tragedy might have been averted.
Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.
I was hit as a child, and I don’t begrudge my mom for doing it, “we all got beat” mentality... I wasn’t abused, it was just the punishment that existed for my culture/times.
It should have been multiple counts of felony battery that landed him in prison for at least several years. People get sent up the river for so much less than this and without indisputable video evidence. Why do a plea deal with him that doesn’t include significant prison time? You’re not going to have any problem…
Maybe not so much nonchalance but fear. Fear is what I see. She’s trying to go on like things are okay to keep from provoking him again.
The most unsettling part is how quickly he turns to assisting her. Picking up her purse, attempting to put her glasses back on. It’s that sort of, “I’m so nice, why do you make me do this?” behavior. The power dynamic of abusers is absolutely chilling.
For me, the reactions of the girlfriend really stood out to me, not that anything about it wasn’t shocking. Rather just her non-chalant reactions made it clear that she was completely used to him doing stuff like that, which is just chilling.
Yeah, I had a hard time articulating it, but “cycle of abuse in real time” absolutely nails it.
I have no idea why, but something about the way he keeps putting the glasses he just punched off her face back on her is as deeply disturbing as the actual physical violence, like it’s some extension of a need for control or the like.
Jesus...this is terrible, but there’s something especially insidious about smacking the glasses off someone and then putting them back on. The cycle of abuse in real time. Christ. Hope that girl’s ok.
The accomplishment has held up, too: more than three times as many people have since summited Everest as have run a four-minute mile.
Because these people get presented as heroes. It’s important to remember they aren’t just because they can slide down a half-tube and do lots of flips.
Chris Mazdzer gave an interview after he won silver in the luge about how he had a couple of years of failure beforehand which allowed him to be totally relaxed. And he was definitely having fun the whole competition. I do think if you are older and had some big failures it gives you a little more perspective.
I don’t think it’s super complicated: when 15-year-old girls are reporting serial sexual assault, maybe don’t use the power of a state university and athletic commission to fucking bury it
Discussing the extreme hyper masculinity of football in a negative light is a topic that needs to be brought up more often.
I’ve never understood why (well, aside from the fact that were vastly successful coaches) they were so beloved my the public and commentariat. They have always seemed so gross, and I’ve never understood how any parent could entrust their children to them.
I agree. I may be suffering from a failure of imagination (sorry, Kierkegaard), but I dont see any way out of this unless they get to live again.
predictions: they make it to the judge and get adjudicated by the end of the season (because The Good Place moves so damn fast).
Also, his left stirrup appears to be about 3 inches longer than his right, or his saddle isn’t tight enough and he’s way off center. Poor, poor pony.