
Something tells me this “conflict” was one-sided considering the Jamaican Barbie insult Becky tried it with.

My parents are literally Kathy and William; I applaud you for this excellent name choice.

I doubt she had a conflict other than “My roommate is black.”

Well, if they are anything like Brock Turner’s parents, Dan and Carleen, they’ll setup a page so friends and family can help pay for the legal defense of the “tragic situation,” ie rape, that Brock was caught committing. They’ll write tearful letters to the judge describing how their wonderful son is no longer


You’re right, there is totally nothing inappropriate about a grown man inviting a 14 year old to a party with alcohol into his bed. Totally normal.

Once again a case of people who worked directly with someone who turns out is a now alleged sexual child abuser along with general sexual harassment had no idea of who he really was despite it being an open secret within the industry.

And he called them hummers?

Look we may differ on the soecifics but we all agree they’ve lost their minds. That’s the important thing.

Kristin, dear, one could argue that you “lost your minds” when you decided not to vaccinate your children BUT SURE HAHA ANOTHER DOG.

This is not helping my arrhythmia.

Rick Pitino claims that this is what made him lose in integrity in the public’s eyes!

I’m not a plantation overseer in 1830 South Carolina, so no.

jesus christ how much cocaine is there in the world?

I thought it was very entertaining that he attacked her for inserting herself (slash them?) into the story while he undid her redaction by inserting himself into the story.

“Are you OK with casual racism?”

They basically asked her to sign away her rights under the Civil Rights Act. That is pretty bad.

So is Portnoy the one who pretends to be neo-Nazi or the one who pretends to be offended at being called a neo-Nazi? Can never remember these things.

I would have had zero problem with this if Portnoy had not responded and made himself look like a whiney douche.