
Can confirm this as well. I had a training partner who was Bosnian - sparring him felt strangely like when a cat plays with the mouse before it eats it. Nicest guy, but I would never, EVER want to mess with him in an actual fight.

I guess I'm just a Leo fan at heart....I look at that picture and swoon. Heh.

Sacrilege! I'd take Billy Costigan over Jack Dawson ANY day. Hubba hubba.

Exactly! Plus, there's that issue of having the money and time and health insurance to care for a child who is born so severely disabled. And, you know, the mental health and fortitude and all that. Watching your child die (slowly) is just an awful thing to go through, I can't blame anyone who says, "No thanks, that's

Santorum loves this line, too, since his daughter has Trisomy 18. My cousin was born with Trisomy 18 and died at 5 months. It was heartbreaking for the entire family. My aunt gets absolutely ragey when you mention Santorum, because as she says, even if she had known (the tests weren't conclusive and her doctors

No, I was not explicitly aware that icing was allowed during power plays. I'm only a casual viewer, and I never said I was a hockey fan - only that my boyfriend is. He explained icing to me, but never mentioned that it's okay during power plays.

Well, shit. Here I was, fancying myself a semi-expert in hockey rules (LOL jk, but I do know most of it, my fellah played for years and follows the NHL religiously), and I had no clue that icing was allowed during power plays. Go figure.

I think it's also harder to make sense of the strategy (or even see that it happens) in baseball. It's much more subtle. I've been a diehard Red Sox fan for years, but I only recently started really getting into the strategy of the game. I only started watching football the last two years (thanks, boyfriend), and the

Eeeeek! THIS is the best JoJo song. I will fight people to make it so.

YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! Her song "Get Out" (which is far superior to "Too Little Too Late," IMHO) played a huge part in my courtship with my guy. He fucking loves this song. So stoked to scream/sing on the drive home today, just like the 13-year-old I am at heart.

Whoever brought onions to work is dead to me.

And meeeeee! Cab frank is my second favorite, after Malbec. Yummm.

"Protestant" is a general term for most sects of Chritianity that are not Catholic (specifically, the ones that have roots in the Protestant Reformation). So this includes nice folk like the Episcopalians, but it also includes evangelical Christians. And Pentecostal Christians. And Seventh-Day Adventists. And a lot of

In the comments, he said he is uncut on both sides, he just pulled the foreskin back on one for variety.

Am I the only one who mixes up Christine Taylor and Christina Applegate? All. The. Time.

Or rather, why he's NOT invested....despite the inquisitory nature of his original post, burnermeh appears to me to not want to hear any of the explanations that are being offered in reply.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I adored them as a couple because I'm a musical theater geek and they're both just so damn talented. When Amy Poehler and Will Arnett broke up, Lindy opined that "both comedy and true love are dead," so I'm pretty sure Jez just likes being dramatic about celebrity relationships in

I love this, too! My parents divorced last year, and my mom (and I!) got so sick of people telling her that even if my dad was a jerk, she should still be grateful that he was willing to work so hard all those years (he's a workaholic) to put food on the table. Fuck that. He couldn't have held his job, which required

I only do this when I give presentations....or did, until a coworker pointed it out and I realized how freaking irritating it is. Unfortunately, I now notice it when other people do it, which makes conferences and meetings absolutely excruciating. I never thought I could find other people's voices so damn irritating.