
I'm going to have this song stuck in my head all day, and I'm totally okay with it. LOVE.

OMG, there's a pizza place here in CT that makes something really similar. So. Freakin. Good.

That pretty much covers it for me. I just feel totally devoid of emotion when I think about it. It's such a weird end (and no, I know this isn't the "end" for Michelle, Amanda, and Gina - but it will probably be the end of the large-scale media coverage) to this saga.

It's par for the course for Vows. They're supposed to be interesting stories about interesting (which sometimes means rich and/or famous, but just as often doesn't) people who got married. I enjoy reading them.

Doug got it wrong - it's a featured wedding story, often called the "Vows" column, not a wedding announcement. Previous Vows stories have talked about drug abuse, infidelity, deaths, prison, and just about everything else under the sun.

Also, right hip to right hip. Her body needs to be turned 90 degrees further.

Now playing

Not to make light of a serious situation (I truly hope he gets the help he needs, I said in another thread that Lamar always seemed like the sweetest of that bunch from the little I watched), but this is all I can think of when I read the word "serpentine"...

Oh man, I don't know how Julie Chen didn't just punch her straight in the face. That's the pinnacle of professionalism.

The UConn logo changed, just FYI. Although perhaps you're just protesting how awful the new logo is, in which case, carry on!

This thing right here. Seeing the female, black contestant (I don't know her name, as I don't watch the show - just saw the clip) cry absolutely broke my heart. I'm white. I don't know what it's like to be on the receiving end of casual racism. That clip made me feel like I'd been hit in the gut, and I hope I never

Okay, the middle-aged couple around 2:09 who accidentally knocks over the backdrop? Adorable.

I'm not an avid Kardashians viewer, but Lamar always seemed so genuinely sweet and gentle, and he clearly adored Khloe. I hope that he's able to get help.

This was all I could think of "every" time he used quotes.

Hell, I work with an Iranian couple and he took HER name when they got married! They are exceedingly cute together.

My ex was stationed in Wiesbaden a few years back, and he and his buddies went to foam parties all. the. time. Apparently they're big in Germany? Or maybe just near military bases? Who knows.

Thank you, yes! The tongue nonsense was so bizarre and distracting. The sexy sexy sex stuff, meh. Whatever. She isn't the first to do it, she won't be the last, and the slut-shaming being aimed at her as a result is making me really uncomfortable. But THAT TONGUE. Someone should have pulled her aside and told her how

When she presents as male, she looks shockingly like my ex. It freaks me out every flippin' time I see a picture.

Hell, he had a pretty high-profile part in the second season of The Wire, which I'd watched recently, and I didn't even recognize him on OITNB. He looks sooooo different.

Hot learn something every day! My friend has a super formal-sounding first name (I'd rather not say it here, as it's rare, so he comes up in the first page of Google results), and I never knew where it came from. His mom is from St. Thomas, this explains so much.

Tina Belcher expresses my feelings about this so perfectly.