
Matching most of my feelings about the riders republic beta. By far the worst offender was the xtreme tude though. It felt so insincere and/or out of touch with 2021.

It’s a made-up language that happens to look exactly like Korean. OK, that makes sense.

Call it Johnny 9 - 5.

All english dictionaries tend to disagree with you.

Historically correct but modern usage as per Merriam-Webster is a synonym for devastate. 

Not a mention of Rockstar’s best game anywhere to be found.

I am unemployed, have drug-resistant clinical depression and never leave the house.

There used to be a wonderful website called Care2.  It was an activist site for petitions and such, which did some good work but I loved it for the groups forums.  Long story short I came across a troll named Jeffery who made my life a living hell.  It wasn’t enough to tolerate his right wing harassment, no Jeffery

I’m glad they were able to put this together so comprehensively. They didn’t deserve this at all, and 100% having a vocal woman at the forefront of the channel is part of the reason they were targeted.

i agree, it is pendantic. 

You’re absolutely right, and you also absolutely sound like a dick.

Why would anyone be disappointed by this game?

I’m correct in having done so. Good for me.”

No need to be a jerk about it. Damn.

Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a

It’s not really meant to be a whodunnit sorta detective show. The appeal is seeing how Columbo puts it all together. The whodunnit has its own appeal, of course, but ultimately it’s about execution more than anything. It’s quite easy to do either variety poorly.

Which was just another take on Harvest Moon.

I’m honestly pretty “meh” on a new GTA, but give me a Bully remake any day.

The comparison was made not to suggest they are similar people with similar impact, but to note how their statements are regarded as tone deaf in a way that they just haven’t been before. Hard to imagine a politician walking back a statement like the one Yang made a few years ago.

Marvel doesn’t own the character. Hasn’t controlled the license in 15 years. And hasn’t published a story featuring the character in 25.