
Yeah but she’s not called Lady Death :)

it was only a matter of time before Lady Death came a-knocking for The Punisher

A smaller figure with less pose ability held together with some rubber bands. 

Compared to toys that cost over three times as much, I think they look pretty darn good.

Unitarian...many Episcopal churches (Protestant sects it depends on the individual church itself), Reformed Judaism?...annnnnnd...Flying Spaghetti Monster?

I mean, it’s pretty easy to take it however you need to take it. If you don’t like the better Rodriguez movies, it’s absolutely not intended to boost your confidence (though I think if you like James Cameron movies well enough, it might not matter).

I keep forgetting that AOA was a band and that they chucked a member when they went all ~sexy~. I still wonder how/why she ended up not participating.

That is not a good poster. It looks like it’s for a cartoon.

Because it’s the best out of all of the Netflix Marvel shows. After say, season one of Daredevil.

Because love it or hate it, bombastic over-analysis and holding mindless shooters to the same standards as classic novels is kind of Alexandra’s thing.

Heather, are these DICE War Stories even worth your journalistic time? You seem to have bought into them and critiquing them as if they are in any way more meaningful than a Sniper Elite game. Battlefield is all about Multiplayer and the only decent Battlefield campaigns that have ever existed are the Bad Company

The author of that story (I read it last week) was on a solipsistic rumination about himself and what he perceived as his role in destroying a business he loved.

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

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It’s not a segment aimed at Otakus, it’s clearly a gag aimed at his own audience based on the fact that the anime character is 1) very popular 2) has the same name as him. You don’t need watch anime to get it and while I DO like Anime I have never watched Detective Conan and don’t need to for the joke to work.

If it bothers you so much, don’t watch his shit. 

That’s transparently a semantic, move-the-goalposts, cop-out of a bet because you specifically name Kim and you specifically say lead and you specifically name yourself even though this was initially about all of the Kardashians/Jenners (Chyna too dont @ me) and all of the coverage from all the Jez staff. But hell, I’l

Yeah, I know but I have firsthand account of how he behaves from a trusted source versus a bunch of tabloid reporting. I haven’t watched this doc yet, but I’ll give it a go. It’s clear that scientology is very bizarre and destructive, but that goes for pretty much all religions. If people are in it by their own

I’m sure these kids have seen enough divers the last few days.

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They can do good covers, that was just a straight up copy of the song, but hey, i’m glad they have a “hit” now with it.

Precious - S1T1 Pretenders debut album