
Problem with a hanging notice is that people won’t read it. Espiecally not the parents of young children because they are contantly overwhelmed and inwardly focused. The motto of the parents of young children generally seems to be “fuck your rules, I have kids to take care of and therefore am more important.”

No clue, unfortunately. I ran into the same roadblocks when trying to sleuth it out just now. It seems inconceivable that this would have been an actual song released on an album/single, and that nobody would be able to find a trace of or identify it. So I imagine it was just a jingle written specifically for Best

What? not into Adam Ant?

What is the ‘so?’ for?

This sounds like a Pitchfork review, in that it takes something that’s recognized as good and shits on it for something so trivial

Thank god that in America (land/home/free/brave),you’re not forced to go.I’ll give your seat to someone interested in this sort of movie.Cheers!

Idk, go ask Justice League and Wonderwoman and every DC movie.

As a non-American, I want to say this: Prior to 2017, I had always thought that America was a nation of kind, compassionate people blotted sparsely with the ugliness that invariably exists in any large group of people.

I mean, adult coloring books are kind of all the rage now anyway? But still, all this does is make me really, really want a Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. movie, since they did this first with their “Crayon Butchery Variant” issue.

Some of us don’t live near the SGV.

What now, you piece of filth?

IMHO. From the first issue. (Or first collection, they’re on Amazon)

It’s really easy. Don’t be a loud obnoxious douche and you’ll do just fine in Japan.

Wolfenstein had very fine people on both sides. 

I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.

Typical. You follow the “internet” its opinion and went along with it acting like you have knowledge of the game. Do you know when a game is unsuccesful? When they do not make a second game. Especially online only games.

You seem to think posting videos on website owned by a private company is is a right and they have to let you do it ....

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

Eh, this “universe” thing isn’t exactly a new concept, though. There were like, a dozen or so spin-offs. The Dreaming, the three Death comics, Lucifer, an ongoing centered on like, the dead boy detectives, a one-shot about Merv Pumpkinhead of all characters, and that’s not counting the half-dozen mini-series.