
What if we were able to implant the idea that he COULD carry a movie right in the very core of your subconscious?

It’s funny how a lot of the supposed third world countries like mine (México), doesn’t have to deal with any of that quota-ed bullshit.

If you want characters with conspicuous, prominent hoods, there’s always Assassin’s Creed...

THIS is what a kid being inspired by a video game looks like. This.

Your article’s tone seems a bit over the top.

I made a thing in case someone were curious what is happening outside of the window:

It was only fitting to match your shitty, exceedingly lame post. I mean, clearly you’re the next coming of Jesus and as ‘woke’ as Recognitions. The rest of us can’t match your level of pious self-congratulation.

Just because you said you hated writing and saying that joke doesn’t mean I can’t hate you for writing and saying it.

You live in a universe with police, doctors, and secret agents and yet you still watch shows about fictional ones.

Sorry to be this person but

It’s a crime to lie about it to the FBI and Congressional committees, and to ask the head of the FBI to drop the investigation, then fire him when he doesn’t.

...none of these are major crossovers? All are 4 titles or less, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the 25-ish comprehensive ones they’ve sworn off of for now. The first few months of Rebirth prove how boring an absolutely zero-crossover stint can get, so I’m damn happy we’re getting what we are.

Operation Cerebus was conducted by Punisherroach, a completely different character as defined by fair use parody law.

I have had no problem with checking in every once in a while. If you’retrying to maximize your play style for your campsite, then you never intended to play a slow, chill, game in the first place.

“Dear Dr. Nerdlove ... I’m thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend because he’s distant and seems uninterested in me. The way I see it, I’ve got two options: 1. sit down with him and have an open, face-to-face conversation. 2. Write him a note, use google to translate it to Filipino, and then hand-convert that to

You are not the target audience. Pikachu is designed to appeal to young children. Get the fuck over it.