
VOTE: Windows Home Server

@paintbox: I also strongly dislike TechCrunch and especially Michael Arrington, who's a complete a**hole. After I saw what he did to Loic I was certain of what kind of a person he is.

And then I recommend ULTRAMON!

I will stick with Picnik!

InstantOCR is king. Works with lots of languages and has free online service.

Doesnt work for me as I use my Laptop as extended Desktop.

I use [] thats a lot better than DocStoc and SlideShare

Yeah I use smartart a lot for university etc its super handy.

Seems cool, but not too useful. I decided to keep my Outlook as smooth as possible by not installing any (or just a few) plugins :)

Hiren's Boot CD

That's just awesome!

Dudes, whatever - just use SYNCPLICITY and theres no workaround necessary. I researched at lot, and that the best method to sync whatever u want into the cloud.

Oh here's the link:

In the post it says Anti-Dupe is freeware. It's by no means freeware and only removes a few dupes for free.

@24fc: Totally!

Yes Foxmarks is the best. But I still didn't understand the Password syncing? Foxmarks never helped me to fill in any passwords...

Okay, Wishlistr is just awesome. Simply and clean interface. Does what it promises.

I might wanna use the Outlook To-Do list for this purpose. Simply create a new To-Do list and call it Wish-List?

FoxitPDF Preview Handler Loads PDFs in Outlook 2007...

First of all thank you for dedicating some attention to good old Outlook. For me Outlook is still more convenient than all other online (cloud) solutions out there. All in one, nicely in sync with my Windows Mobile device. It just works, and does what it promises well.