
If you’ve got some examples you’d like me to look at, I’d be happy to see them. I believe the term was coined in this Atlantic article, which stresses that “The Berniebro is not every Bernie Sanders supporter.” I’m sure not everyone has been faithful to that sentiment, of course.

Yeah, re: your last paragraph, that’s what it really comes down to. The more time and energy we spend attacking and discrediting each other, the harder it will be to unite effectively for the general. That’s what worries me about the vitriolic personality-based attacks. I don’t want to see the Dems become the GOP, and

Yeah, it’s incredible how little people seem to remember 2008. Clinton’s concession speech was half obligatory thank-yous and half “now vote for Obama or we’ll have a Republican president!”

Thanks! Rare to have such a respectful conversation in a comments section, but that’s why I love Jezebel. :D

I’m under the impression that “Berniebros” is not a catch-all term that refers to all Bernie supporters (I’d also say that calling is a ‘slur’ cheapens the word ‘slur’). It was coined to refer specifically to the legion of male Bernie supporters who can skew towards misogyny in their zealous dislike of Hillary

You’re not seeing any gender issues? Not with a campaign surrogate saying “corporate Democratic whores,” not with Jeff Weaver warning against Hillary’s “ambitions” to be president, not with the comparative lack of high-payed, top-ranking women working in the Sanders campaign (reported on by Jez)?

It’s a pretty big jump from “some Bernie supporters are sexist bros” to “there are literally no feminist/female Bernie supporters.” Of course the latter is not true, but the campaign has had some undeniable gender issues and I don’t see the point in ignoring that.

Yeah, I don’t see the conflict here. No matter how shitty a person’s policies are, you should never, ever resort to anti-Semitism (or racism, sexism, or any other form of prejudice) to discredit them. When you do, you’ve lost the argument (not that Horowitz had much of an argument before he started with that

Yeah, exactly. They were burdened by sending a fucking letter? By filling out a form? It’s against their religion to do anything that might, in the most roundabout way, lead to another person obtaining birth control? Not buying it. God wouldn’t care and I believe they know it. This is about being petulant and making a

Exactly. It’s so bizarre to me that God and Jesus are invoked so often in this debate. Not only is there supposed to be a separation of church and state in this country, but Biblically speaking, anti-choicers still don’t have a leg to stand on. The view of early-term embryos and fetuses as individual human lives is

That would be amazing! I’d pay to see their faces when they realize they can’t even recognize the ‘innocent babies’ they’re fighting for. But it would definitely be tricky not to get grouped with the anti-choicers, wielding a sign like that.

I love, love, love your username. That is all :)

You can hold that belief, but don’t expect the law to side with you. You seemed pretty confident upthread about how the courts would rule, but it seems you’re confusing your own opinions with established law.

You’re right, I would be wrong to dismiss a comment like this one. I don’t mind being called a “radical feminist,” but I’m sure you understand that being called “retarded”, a “moron,” etc. does not make me inclined to keep talking to you. Let me then rephrase: further comments that devolve into mindless personal

A special ed teacher using “retarded” as an insult? I hope you’re not being honest about your career. And if you are, I hope you’re not the only support system for those children.

Just this February, the CDC recommended that all sexually active women of childbearing age refrain from drinking unless they were on birth control. You may not consider this stringent; many women do. We might just have to agree to disagree on what constitutes an absurd expectation of people who, lest we forget, are

It’s truly amazing. And just goes to show how little of this debate actually centers around fetuses. Abortion has been around as long as humans have, and restrictions on it have historically been focused on punishing women rather than protecting fetuses. I wonder if, for example, Bible-thumpers like this woman realize

Especially appropriate since the Nazis made abortion a capital crime (for pure Aryan women, anyway)! You’d think anti-choicers would stop hating on a regime that did so much for unborn babies.

The amazing thing is that you can show these people *very clearly* that they are being hypocrites about the so-called “sanctity of life,” and they will still not reevaluate their beliefs. I used to think that if anti-choicers who supported rape exceptions would realize they were holding two conflicting moral stances,

I really prefer your way of framing it, and I wish it was how all pro-choice arguments were made. This debate cannot be won by arguing over when life begins (whatever that even means, given that sperm and egg cells are alive before fertilization occurs). The crux of the matter is bodily autonomy, which means that even