
Can this please be shouted from every rooftop everywhere? The entire anti-choice argument comes apart when you ask them to explain how any of their policies would actually be enforced. It comes apart because to truly stop legal abortion, you have to do some seriously dystopian shit. You have to have some sort of watch

1) Children can be born outside of marriage. A piece of paper isn’t essential to the union of egg and sperm.

“Holding them accountable for and to their sexuality.” This is it, the true face of the anti-choice movement. You’ve perfectly illustrated the original poster’s point.

Huh. I have a few questions for you regarding your position.

And they aren’t on the list at the public high school I attended (unless the policy’s since changed). You’re making an assumption about the school’s rules that you can’t back up. And you haven’t addressed the fact that there are certain items that may well be contraband for students, but that teachers are allowed to

It’s not illegal for high schoolers to view photos of naked people. It is illegal for them to drink. A nude photo in and of itself is not contraband.

Reminds me of a comment that was made on a recent Jez (actually, maybe Slot) article, which boiled down to “if black people insist on voting for Clinton, I’ll have no sympathy for any injustice they complain about in the future!” Oh, great, so if people of color don’t follow white people’s plans for them to a T, they

Let me clarify that I absolutely think it’s objectively better to vote one’s conscience. Voting for the candidate you think best represents you and your interests is a fundamental tenet of democracy, and I in no way support the current political system that forces people to vote for someone they consider the lesser of

But... it’s not a risk you’re taking for yourself. You’re gambling on the rights and quality of life of minorities and similarly disadvantaged people. As you’ve said, you don’t stand to lose much if Trump does get elected. It’s not as if you’re making a brave personal sacrifice; you’re expecting less fortunate

It’s disingenuous and absurd to call Clinton a Republican. You may disagree with her fundamentally on many issues; cool, that’s your position and I respect your passion for your values. However, you can argue against her without lying about her policies.

This conversation isn’t going anywhere. Nobody’s going to vote for Rubio if they disagree with his platform. Simple as that. It’s absurd to ask democrats to abandon their values for the sake of pushing legislation - no matter how diametrically opposed to it they may be - through Congress.

Right, and what I’m asking you is why on earth you think the Republican platform appeals to the readership of this site. A politician who’s effective at implementing policies one finds objectionable doesn’t sound like a good choice to me.

Chiming in to voice my support for bodily autonomy! Honestly, I don’t care if it’s a fetus or a fully grown thirty-five-year-old in my uterus. If I don’t give you permission to be in my body, then you have no right to be in my body, and the government should certainly not be forcing me to incubate you for nine months.

“he may very well think it best for a rape victim to bring the baby to term.”

This should be required reading for everyone who wants to contribute their clueless, woefully misinformed opinion to the whole “gay cake” controversy.

Exactly. Laws that deal with situations like this need to be focused on the mother’s choice, not the slippery slope of granting personhood to fetuses. I can donate my organs by choice and it’s totally legal, but if someone incapacitates me and cuts out a kidney, they will be charged with a crime. Same deal here.

Yes!!! I’m a devoted Swiftie as well, though I haven’t been lucky enough to see her at any private events, and it’s well known that she’s just not a carefree, happy-go-lucky person - even behind closed doors. She’s anxious, she’s a perfectionist, she’s a meticulous planner, and people misinterpret this as fakeness or

I’m genuinely confused by this line of criticism. The dearth of female producers who reach Grammy-level success is absolutely shameful, but how is it Taylor Swift’s fault? She collaborated with some of the most celebrated pop producers in the business; the fact that there aren’t many women in that category is due to

Yeah, was just about to say this. Karen has said “feminazis” unironically, and is anti-Semitic to boot.

Yeah, seriously, what the fuck? Some Democrat. He’s all too happy to throw half his constituents under the bus when fighting for them gets too politically risky. Out of this entire article, that’s what pisses me off most, because at least we can expect this kind of bullshit from the Republicans.