
YES - this is also what comes to mind when conservatives try to claim that they actually *do* care about the poor, desperate women they want to force into giving birth. “But lots of church groups offer support [read: free diapers and socks, how helpful] for pregnant women!” Meaning that lots of churches pounce on

I got that sense as I was reading it, too. As if he’s saying, “sure, actual human beings are being impacted immeasurably by our policies, but try to put them out of your mind for a second - we’re talking about the nebulous concept of ~society~.” Stop feeling so bad for that Romanian orphan, you leftist pussies, we’ve

Ugh. Yes, yes, yes to all of this. Republican policies (or their equivalents overseas) are the very reason that little girl is up for adoption in the first place - and let’s not fool ourselves, when these righteous fundamentalists gush about the wonders of adoption, they aren’t talking about her, seeing as she isn’t

“I would rather be raised by two gay guys than be rotting in an orphanage in Romania,” he expounded, “But we’re not thinking about that girl. We’re thinking about the society, and it is definitely true that children do better with their own parents.”

And it’s not like anti-choicers respect the pro-choice/pro-life terminology they expect us to use - anybody who’s spent even five minutes on one of their sites (not recommended for those with high blood pressure) can attest to the fact that anybody who supports a woman’s right to choose is, in their books,

As other people have said, there are a lot of levels of observance in Judaism. The liberal, progressive Jews you met were likely Reform or Conservative Jews, while the people in this story are Orthodox, which is the equivalent of the fundamentalist Christianity you see in the U.S. - often even more conservative,

Yup, and a myth that probably has its roots in fairly anti-Semitic sentiment. But randilyn’s post is really great; I also think it’s important to remember that this is Orthodox Judaism, which is on the more extreme/fundamentalist side of the spectrum (though, as randilyn mentioned, there are many sects even within

Well yay, I’m glad to see this argument, which really has been pretty fun for me (hopefully I’m not the only freak here who enjoys arguing) ending so respectfully.

Okay. Know that I’ve read your arguments and considered them - but we aren’t getting anywhere with this debate, since it’s clear that neither of us is going to convince the other. I’m uncomfortable pursuing this conversation further with someone who denies the existence of rape culture, simply because that means we

We can’t have this conversation if you’re unwilling to answer the very basic and simple question I asked you. Please do give a constructive answer for how feminists should deal differently with the existence of false rape accusations in the push for justice for rape victims.

You aren’t addressing the problem that I, and others, have with your comment. You are co-opting an article that is about the tragedy and suffering of one group to complain that other groups are not getting as much attention or justice for their suffering. This is disrespectful to the group that is the topic of the

Okay, but... did you read my comment? Nobody is dismissing the fact that false rape accusations happen. Nor is anybody saying it isn’t a problem. I guess my question to you is what exactly do you want feminists to do differently? Preface every discussion on the epidemic of rape with an acknowledgement that some

Unless somebody edited their comments and I missed the original, you were never once accused of anti-Semitism, not even implicitly. You were taken to task for using an article that is only about the Holocaust and, in this case, about the deaths of Jews, in order to vent your anger that other genocides don’t get as

Yes, it is tragic and horrific how so few perpetrators of genocide have been held accountable.

I think the catch here is “court of Jezebel”. The only place where you are guaranteed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty is an actual court of law. The court of public opinion need not abide by similar principles. If your main issue is with false rape accusations and the rate at which innocent men are having

I am absolutely in favor of moving forward and healing, but I don’t see why that has to come at the expense of not prosecuting people who committed horrific crimes. Frankly, I don’t think that broader societal/cultural attitudes toward dealing with this atrocity should have bearing on whether or not an individual

OH MY GOD THANK YOU. I can’t for the life of me understand why we pro-choicers don’t focus on this more. If anti-choicers want us to truly believe they think fetuses are fully human with complete personhood rights, there should be no exceptions for abortion bans, ever. Also, pro-life groups should stop distancing

Put your arms down, hon. You’re not Jesus.

What kills me about this photo is all the young women campaigning against their own rights (or maybe I should say other women’s rights, since these God-fearing ladies will always have the means to terminate a pregnancy, regardless of the legality of abortion). I don’t expect much better from the sanctimonious older

I feel bad messing up the perfect 100 stars this post has. But this is just too great not to star.