


That's what I was thinking!!!

Money. She owns 100% of that song

This makes me like her even more

She's got 75% writing credit. He has 25% writing credit. She has 100% publishing rights

She did write the song because she has publishing and writing credits for the song

He went on Ryan Seacreast and lied about the song. I'm not co signing on this because people don't like her. She pulled a boss move because she gets writing credits and publishing credits.

If she did , then why does it matter. He lied about the song that she wrote. He's just mad that the truth came out. He's Wack as shit.

Musicians use names all the time. That's nothing new.

He's sounds bitter as fuck

Thank you!!!!!!!!

Katy shut up! Your lyrics are garbage

I would not blame this girl’s parents if they came up to the school and kick this kid’s ass

This sounds like something my mom would do but I got enough good common sense to send the car back. That's a real dirtbag thing to do.

No she doesn't

Why shouldn't she be able to say that? She's a black woman who married a black man. At the end of the day she's black.

I don’t get why she chose to apologize. It’s not that big of a goddamn deal. Looking at our nation’s politics right, I kinda don't like America sometimes

Yes to all of this. People don't understand that she's a 26 year old woman. She can date whoever she wants. I dated a lot in my twenties. Can't even imagine what they would say about me