
You sure rode it for not being offended. Weird. Trumpian unearned wealth is certainly not the context here. But it is apparent from my anecdotal observations, along with how the US has been overtaken in this measure, that it takes money to make money, so to speak.

I can see that now, especially after looking at its history, some fun pseudo-intellectualism.

Why, does “lucky birth” offend you? The idea that mere luck from before day one might (does) play a huge role in every day thereafter? It doesn’t even take real wealth, FWIW.

OK then, it explains it for those who are capable of critical thinking and not making it simply via being a sycophant for cliched suits.

OK then, “lucky birth” in the context of this silly discussion explains itself. Health issues have little to do with this (other than maybe causing ruin due to Murka’s broken middleman system).

I think the concept of “lucky birth” explains itself. Again, economic mobility, it has faltered in the trickle down era.

Not just for those with no skills, but for all who don’t benefit from lucky birth. It takes a lot more than hard work as you say, and also takes more than simple knowledge. Where you come from has immense significance. But thanks for telling me this isn’t the age of the industrial revolution, I had no idea.

Economic mobility has withered in this trickle down Belle Epoque.

Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire Syndrome, the most dangerous disease in American society.

You created an account just to post that unhinged screed? For real?

“They don’t help fix anything” coming from a semi-sentient being who has never worked in his life.  That’s 2019, the darkest dumbest timeline.

Probably a metric crapton of Boston-area IP addresses, too.

Likely, yes

The criticism of loathsome surplus population = jealousy’ equation is tired and dumb.

If you really think it is your money (and that people receiving benefits via the threadbare safety net in this burgeoning oligocracy are “comfortable”), well, I pity who you claim to have counseled

Trying to think of an instance where Kadri caught heat and didn’t deserve it. I’m coming up with nothing.

That’s the generational stereotype that plays out far too often. Fought and marched against injustice, now just wants their fat pensions/investment monies, medicare, and appreciated real estate the likes of which will never be seen again. Those who fought “the man” became “the man”. 

There might be some socio-political lag going on, who will be the Canadian Dotard?

It is purposefully lying. Check this out:

I love how all these years later they are still on the “hockey player from TX” bit, when Leetch moved to CT as an infant.