
Oh, you can read too. Well, kind of, in the most remedial sense.

Dotard, the discussion was about why he left, not that he left. “Employment was separated” doesn’t bode well.

lulz I own shoes worth more than you, and they aren’t even that fancy.

What passes as proof to someone of your impeccable knowledge and credentials? You know as well as I do that this kind of thing is often swept under the rug with voluntary “resignations”, often still with the ridiculous bennies attached for life.

LOL someone defending this choad saying someone else is failing, hilarious. By definition, you are a failure at everything just for your position here. Your posting history also speaks volumes, lesser mortal with a broken intellect.

Even if they LET HIM GO (what is it with you simps and caps?), they might have done so under pressure, and still sympathize with him. As no doubt many in that and your demographic indeed do.

Certainly not silent because the brave warrior hero class has a less than long history of going after their own (no matter their crimes) or those who sympathize. Right-o.

Yes, his posting history is very weak.

Maybe I need to type slower so wannabe English 101 professors can grasp it.

Wouldn’t it be easier just to say you have nothing to contribute?

OK, just homely then

A whole thread could be made just to mock Quebec :)

I was going to laugh, does anyone think junior A kids from Canada get into Ivys with academic merit and then pay for it? Hilarious.


Another one who deserves a guillotine.

Puppet string news LAWL did your parents have any children who lived?

It’s a slow evolution with so many dinosaurs involved at every level who hanker for the bad old days of the 70s. Eventually, checking out of malice rather than strategy will leave the game. Might take a couple generations though.

Skilled and mouthy dbag with a dose of MA flair, kind of like daddy but maybe with a dose of entitlenent. I wonder if he also knows how to break furniture/trash Olympic accommodations.

Weak sauce there, duster.

LOL look at its posting history.