
Any actual data, or just a blurb saying something is possible, from a Polish language radio station in Chicago? Any quantifiable data from credible sources about volumes? I know many people from Europe too, and I visit relatively often - I personally don’t know anyone there itching to come to Murka, and they would

Link or it didn’t happen.

Check out his history, it speaks volumes.

There are plenty of younger posters especially on Oppo and Jalopnik. Nothing wrong with it, nothing to fear. If you mention driving dynamics and similar subjects when you don’t drive, you’re in for trouble, but as a normal contributor, just be yourself.

I actually believe you, just as the logic behind it all is so defective that it is probably beyond even the most oblivious Trumpian adult.

That’ll do it.

Yep, it reeks of a whiny experienced adult complaining about them durned kids via something they read on a facebook fake news page. Also the whine about “how life works” also smacks of that demographic. That one might be even funnier if actually coming from a kid.

I’m not here to speculate about mentality. I can just as easily ask why wouldn’t you? Some people love attention, and the Tide Pods bit seemed like a scream for it.

That’s not what was implied with the wording. When I think about cars my family rented before I was able to drive, I don’t think about how I was stuck with them, or how I had one. Cool story though.

“had one” and “I was stuck with” don’t imply dad rented one.

This doesn’t imply mommy and daddy and coddled boi:

And the VW rental car in Germany? Reddit and proof are funny things to link together.

2 years ago you posted about your Passat. Are you a 10th year senior, or full of BS?

You don’t even have to go east. Some of SW WA is more than a little Appalachian, hell, far eastern parts of King-Pierce-Sno counties are similar.

Interesting posting history there, beta.

I’ll put in a Sharon

I shrugged.

Temporarily embarrassed millionaire theory comes into play again.

“supply and demand”, “envy”

Ah look, another one kneeling at the altar of Rand.