I’ll put in a Sharon
I’ll put in a Sharon
I shrugged.
Temporarily embarrassed millionaire theory comes into play again.
“supply and demand”, “envy”
Ah look, another one kneeling at the altar of Rand.
free trade, limited government, economic freedom
Whatabout Whatabout.
I’ll take that as a “yes”.
Do you happen to be a fan of Ayn Rand?
I dunno, from my experience with the UK, plenty of crap cars and crap drivers there too. Nothing like being stuck behind a wobbly dolt in an old 999cc crapcan belching soot now and then.
This is great, it’s like Breitbart/InfoWars buzzword bingo
Not just socialism, “globalist” socialism.
Why would someone in Москва have two degrees from an American school? I don’t think they’d fall for Trump U either.
Fun tales. Is Breitbart that slow today?
Troll level 20, a parody of itself. This is quite good.
Who in their position doesn’t have an attorney?
Most people who whine about socialism (like LaPierre) couldn’t definie it if their goshforsaken existence depended on it.
Troll level 12, bravo!
That’s not a straight answer to anything.
I prefer “Dotard” or “Bonespurs” or simply “45" :) Stupid is in the eye of the beholder - everyone is coping with the most corrupt regime in history in their own way.