
Maybe he’s the Rhodes Scholar from Trump University.

And he’s a Rhodes Scholar looool.

Nice posting history. Anyone wanna wager what the “88" stands for?

To use an old cliche, put up or shut up.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

Move to Seattle? Hopefully with a leadership overhaul.

This is a parody, right?

Can’t even answer a simple question. Your mettle is showing.

You’d take any comparison to 45 as a compliment. Your accusations (and mettle, knowledge, credentials, credibility, experience, etc) are a nothingburger.

Just can’t let it go, can you?

Your replies (to everyone) are about as sharp as a bowling ball.

Sense isn’t the term anyone but you would use, but again, thanks Horatio, for confirming what everyone expected.

Again, that’s exactly what I expected. Thanks again! :)

That’s along the lines of what I was expecting. Thanks Horatio!

It’d be interesting to know what you do for a living.

I know one person who moved to the UK. They came back after a year - failed romance. I live in a fairly diverse area, and have encountered at least a few British people here, including a couple at work. For all of its failings, the US has plenty of positive aspects too.

Other than Rocket Boy, who is really stupid enough to do anything but maybe whine at the UN? And what can they do? Is Britainistan going to invoke an embargo? Your leadership doesn’t seem legitimately displeased anyway.  LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL

That’s something else, the brain drain from Blighty. Even proportionally, I bet a lot more Brits come to the horrible evil despicable intolerable American empire than Yanks who go to Limeyland. I wonder why.

I suspect you don’t even hold a passport, or have never traveled beyond GMT+1. I’ve seen some pretty dreary and hopeless conditions in Blighty, where one would be hard pressed to think they were in a first world country. The US has mindless conservatism to blame, what’s your excuse.

Could be. The Stalputin propaganda machine is infinite.