
Nice strawman, must be a fan of Rand.

Comparing the stance of either party to where they are today is insane at best, and likely either deceptive or disingenuous.

I’ve always thought it is jealousy over Bezos having a legit documentable fortune, and that he owns the Washington Post. The Post did maybe the key work to bring down Nixon’s crooked regime, and it would definitely like to bring down this raging dumpster fire.

I think we found the brave praetorian.

Seeing how complicit the media was in his campaign and election, no doubt the media will believe it too.

The “jealous” (or “envy”) cop out automatically disqualifies your (entirely defective and idiotic) argument. Your posting history speaks volumes.

You are aware that the US now lags behind many in socio-economic mobility, and the ideal has stalled if nor declined for decades now, right?

Must have been cross-posted to Breitbart or InfoWars.


Drive a fancy refrigerator or push a Maserati, the choice is obvious.

Where was this cross-posted?

People have been working harder for the past 40 years, as the socio-economic chasm has exploded, mobility has fallen behind more than a dozen countries, and wages compared to most cost of living factors have stagnated. Work harder.

And our taxes fund this turd’s fat pension and bennies. Drain that swamp!

1994 is still burned in my mind. That team (nearest NHL team to me), is the reason I follow players more than teams - less heartbreak. I can’t think of a team with the same ability to get people excited, then crush their dreams.

That pretty much describes Canucks history since 1970. I like it more when the homers get all wound up, then let down hard when the heat is on.

Fun place, mix of hipsters and at the same time, connected to northern Idaho.

The US is a dumpster fire at the moment, but Canadians have no reason for arrogance. Drop yourself in Alberta, and you’d think you were in Texas or even the deep south. Hell, you’ll find confederate flags in less developed parts of AB or BC.

Sounds like the work of the empire from which you were born. Remember the line about stones and glass houses. Let he without sin, or some such nonsense.

Another one eh?

People love say that, as they continue to imbibe in American consumer culture. You’re not some cultured European, your a northern suburb of flyover country. The submissive neighbor, born from the bloodiest and most irresponsible empire in history, now both equally irrelevant.