
Judging by history, someone does.

“to solve”

Not everyone can have parentally funded toys.

I see you’ve been driving around Seattle.

I hope it isn’t worse than the leather covered 2x4 wonderland that is the S.

Spoiled millennial kidults don’t take kindly to criticism.

The Kool Aid cult will attack you relentlessly. Prepare for the greys.

What’s a 30 year old golf cart and a 14 year old Gixxer (now with FI!) engine, both of which have probably been beaten within an inch of their lives, worth these days? Probably a helluva lot less than 5K. CP.

The beards and the music are amazingly irritating.

I bet it’s Chevy or Toyota.

Those stylishly painted wheels are very telling.

Only 2 Teslalopniks today?

You’ve described most buyers in the Seattle area, no doubt.

You seriously think the bloggers pretending to be journalists here aren’t at least trying to get in on the take?

I predict this is the first of three Tesla “stories” today. Oh, you bloggers who think you are the legit motoring press.

Is this made for noose-worthy Russian kleptocrats, noose-worthy Chinese kleptocrats, noose-worthy kleptocrats hiding out in the EUSSR, or plain old noose-worthy FIRE criminals in Murka?

Oh cool our supposed “economist” is ranting again.

Is it raining salt?

“Authors” is a generous stretch.

All of them. Look at it now lulz