I’d think it would be expected
I’d think it would be expected
It’s beautiful!
It’s Bellevue, this is a pretty homogeneous place in terms of incompetence. Let me guess, STEM, beard, domineering wife, cardboard house in Kirkland or Redmond - amirite? See, two can play at that game.
My choices have nothing to do with it, Noel. Not jumping on board isn’t a “life choice”.
LOL yup it appears so - I do regularly play devils advocate with Tesla, which is isn’t kosher.
Wow, they’ll let just anyone take these things out ;)
Car Ford? Van Ford? Truck Ford?
I got raked over the coals for suggesting that. Nice take.
Cool opinion. Never owned a truck. Enjoy your braying.
My post was snark about cults and twittertwits. The whine in response came later ;)
I made the original post, and you keep replying/whining. It’s that simple.
Good for you.
Call it what you want. No dictionary limits the use of “cult” to anything “supernatural”. Nice try.
Call what you want what you want. I literally couldn’t care less. It’s your right.
Why not? There’s no rule about positive comments only, right? And it’s fun to see the whiny dogpile.
That’s your right. And I can call those who will line up for hours or days to get on the list and put money down for an unknown product that easily might not really exist for 2+ years (and also whine and cry when someone furrows their brow at the devotion) a cult. That’s my right :)
I see cars lined up on display, nobody begging for someone to take their money for an unknown product.
2x4 covered in leather, I like that, I’ll have to steal it :)
Just have one vehicle. It’s just a matter of time before there’s an egg shaped truck.