You'd think for a show with a big a gamer as Ice-T on its cast they'd make this somewhat believable and less stereotypical
You'd think for a show with a big a gamer as Ice-T on its cast they'd make this somewhat believable and less stereotypical
That should always be the music to play Resident Evil to
I totally lost my self with Jeff's line to Ellie... I'd totally go gay for Jeff :D
My baby sister used to be like that when ever my mam left the room for more than 10 minutes, she'd cry saying "Mammy go, Mammy go"
"So I hear you're pregnant, got room in your womb for two?" Jesus fucking christ, what a line.
@goldenegg: Using the internet for something useful in the Japanese gaming industry?!
@hudnut19: my colgate electric toothbrush cost 15 euro and i know for a fact, theres cheap counterfit ones around on moore street.
Anyone know if Dublinia is still open? I wonder if they'll update any info... so I can take my lil sis on the tour and the viking truck/boat... for education... *cough*
All those blocks.... urge to mine... increasing...
@drtyfrnk: went to buy minecraft today with 10 euro left on my prepaid credit card (i know, just easier for me... most of the time) after buying civ 5 on steam
I love Halo... but I'm out, later guys
Someone get this lady a durger!
@RoboticSpacePenguin: Fine erotic art
@kermit007: True but they don't go around singing about how their shit smells like gold encrusted roses.
Because Activision bought and burned every other one
@John-Hamptonshire: Wasn't there a recent video of Crecente purportedly playing a game at pax with a shaved head?
#1 is evil Brian Crecente
Oh man, Gary Whitta said the exact same thing as Penny Aracade, ahaha