
@Ueziel: except the save point thing makes you feel like you are playing a badly coded ps1 game with pretty graphics

@Pretty Pink Pwnie: Tim Rogers once said that he read the back of an RPG in Japan and it said "Designed not to stress the player"

@Teran: Yeah I was playing for 6 hours before I was like "wtf is my rumble" *nudge* "oh..."

@Laronvas: I knew I had played Final Fantasy 13 before! Thanks for reminding me of Enchanted Arms jerkface.

@Kobun: Best decision of her life

I've never seen any of these, nor do I intend to. I'm named after a cowboy too, damn you father!

@underscore: Yeah I know, but facepunch is full of crazy people anyway

@Adhominem: Says they can in one of these articles, especially selling up the point that its free of charge O_o

What about Garry's Mod? Although the users at facepunch are already righting scripts to auto ban any mac users from their servers :P

I called it!

Any word on whether this was a DoS attack? Seems like a pretty smart move on the internet users part to get a message across to Ubisoft... That I totally do not condone ¬_¬ *cough*

@blue_monkey: Its not so bad once you dont stop to think what type of game you are actually playing

@develin: ah yeah I know, but very similar games, and very popular remakes so I believe theres hope someone will get the idea.

I hope they do the same with discworld 1 and 2, such great games and comedy

@Travis Whitworth: I personally couldn't stand halo 2 for all the changes they made to the aim assist. Still enjoy the singleplayer but cant do multi for more than a couple of matches

@blue_monkey: no but the elderly people who work at tesco sometimes put the games out early lol