
@choyt80: those throwaway aspects of any game?

@Rampage: Made sense for the first game, big mansion... with EVIL RESIDing there. Maybe they didn't think they'd be making a second?

My baby sis is nearly two, her first words were "mammy go!" and thats all she could say for ages, weird thing was you could tell her to do things and she'd just do them O_o

@fizzlefist: Apart from Garak I loved Weyoun(also played Shran and Brunt!) and Martok, all three are such great actors who really brought life to their characters.

@fizzlefist: Yeah, General Martok is EPIC love his character. Klingons ftw!

@Vedli: Not to mention Jem'hadar are bred solely for fighting the founders wars

@dowingba: In TNG the borg destroyed entire fleets of Federation ships, in Voyager one small science vessel (with limited armaments and stocks of torpedoes no less!) completely defang them and make them not scary at all.

Definitely, almost finished rewatching it now. Great show! I honestly cannot decide if TNG or DS9 is better. Although... any bajoran religious episode sort of puts me asleep ZzZzZzZ

Did they ever fix the lack of ripples in the water? Don't know why.... but really annoyed me when I first played it :S

@bowen13: if anything you were raped into being her father

@bowen13: You are not her biological father

@Decoy_Doctorpus: all of them scared the shit outta me... but *************SPPOIILLERS********** Eleanor had a eerily provocative stance when standing still

@flapjack21: Thats coming to Xbox Live Arcade soon!

What they wont tell you is that these machines are actually hooked up to nanite controlled soldiers off in some war torn country!

Not one Japanese studio won an award at a videogames award show?! The end is nigh!

@Ratfuzz: Dude I'm with you on this... a Brutal Legend does not an RTS make