
@Johnny Dactyl: For Irish members of Kotaku: Electric Six is playing in Dublin in December and tickets are only like €20.

@Johnny Dactyl: I LOVE Electric Six! Can't wait to get my fill of Dick Valentine

Your body goes to waste every minute you don't give it to me.

@excel_excel: We Irish have mastered cursing by mixing it with perfect comedic timing and nonchalance!

This needs to happen, if anything, to redeem itself for its depiction of gaming the other night.

@rebelphoenix1983: I'm 22 and still have fond memories of playing MechWarrior 2 on DOS lol

At one point crecente was finishing chapters ever ten minutes, now I know the mans good.... but COME ON.

From the topic I thought they announced "Guitar Hero: October" and honestly, I wasn't surprised.

I'm going to Eliterebate later on.

@Floreum: balls, it was awesome! has it really been that long?! what version is Avons Stargates at?

@Spycrab!: Facepunch is the best forum on the planet, love their spelling and grammar system! lol even though I probably fail at it

somewhat shocking considering the usual words

It looks exactly like champions O_o

Hitting the Korean drinks last night?

@deanbmmv: Think UK is too unawesome for Kotaku? Try Republic of Ireland, we never even get a mention :(

I love Daft Punk, but I think I'm still passing on this... and it makes me sad :(

@Scotland: I'd love it! because of D!

Jesus Christ! You can keep Cobain in the game if you just remove that pic from the frontpage!