
With you on this one - the videography is clearly influenced by current reality shows and there’s a lot of kind of bland tropes of aspirational fun and games and girl power. It could be an ad for a new mall, or a country-pop music video.

The lack of diversity in their membership is striking (but it’s a sorority at a

Curious as to why does the culture has to change? Because you don’t like it? Is it so horrible that attractive people of a certain race wish to hang out with people of similar interests? You don’t have to join. I hate this idea of diversity/inclusion because it insists that every person has to participate. That’s

Yeah... I don’t get it either. Isn’t this what Campus Greek culture is about? Seems weird to be going after the video and not the hundreds of sororities that exist to promote this kind of thing.

I don’t understand why THIS sorority video, of all sorority recruitment videos, was the one to cause so much drama. Is it because of the bouncing? Aside from getting through the trial of my rapist, I think sorority recruitment is maybe the most sexist, awful thing I’ve ever experienced. Definitely the worst thing I

Oh so they chose him randomly because all of the candidates hate black people equally? That’s an interesting point

No, you’re thinking of Donald Trump. He has a good relationship with the blacks. Some say he’s always had a good relationship with the blacks. He has great respect for them and you know they like him.

Good point. I hate that racist piece of shit.

Is she really a Republican and Palin supporter.

So you’d be willing to alienate an ally because Trump is intimidating? Brilliant

Is this some type of meme shit that you posted because you can’t argue your point? Because if I wanted to see that, I’d visit tumblr.

Yeah they seemed real weak. Maybe they should have protested Trump or something. Liberals treat protestors with kid gloves.

No, it makes a black protest against him stupid.

I can tell that your heart is in the right place, but it wasn’t an apt comparison. Phelps did things so horrible that it virtually erased any good will that he earned in the past. The same can’t be said for Bernie.

So he’s focusing on a huge issue that would improve the lives of many black people, but since it won’t solve everything, he’s a racist. Wow

He was in the past, but then did horrible race unrelated things later. What horrible things has Bernie done?

It’s not about being weak. We’re those protestors so weak in their beliefs that they need to yell instead of calmly using facts to discuss the issues?

So he did nothing racist, but didn’t bring up race for this particular speech

I get that it’s old. I don’t use it to say it’s the sole reason, but I do see some people post it in a vaccum. I think it just shows how long he’s been fighting for civil rights and equality.

Once again, you have no intelligent response so you use whiresplaining to make your feesfees feel right. Grow up