Finnagin Begin Again

I’m ornery and am not trying to call anyone specifically out. But I would like us to try and go three days without commenting on a woman’s appearance. At all. Like no commenting. On a woman’s face, face-job, boobs, boob-job, beautiful eyes, sloppy eyes. Nothing. No comments.

I’m not even joking when I say congratulations (obviously about getting publishing, but I mean the ice cream). For some of us that’s a damn hard feat.

I went to the gym Monday through Friday this week and worked out like a champ. Lifted for a different muscle group every day and then three days of cardio! And I ate like I had some sense too!!! Beautiful pictures by the way!

my brag is my offer on a house has been accepted and we’re planning to close on November 15.

still not smoking, despite a stressful week and some bad cravings this week. 5 months!

I know it SHOULD BE fun. I honestly think it’s a matter of the guys I’ve been with. Like I said, I’m shy, so there haven’t been that many, and I’ve been focused on my career for the past decade, which has severely restricted things. But the first guy I was with when I was 17-19, he was 5 years older, but I can

Pap smears suck even if you have the most problem-free vagina anyone can have

That seems like a pretty cruel and dismissive thing to say about a very real and painful problem.

The “no makeup” look is fine, but it’s not a “look” nor is it a movement. It’s just your face.

I don’t know! I don’t think their goal was for me to make this face, but here I am anyway:

One must never forget snacks, good point. Hell, we might need to start mainlining alcohol directly into our bloodstreams at this rate.

It is a very weird escalation! Haha, I’m mostly just being specific. There’s two kinds of shots I get. There’s the belly button to knees standing vulva shot which is more common and then the very weird I can see inside someone vagina shot that I received today. And here I am feeling weird about texting a picture of my

Oh my god, I had no idea girls would do that. Yikes! Online dating is so frustrating. I’ve been out with a guy the past two weeks but sometimes he texts me too much and it can be a bit annoying. And I suggested somewhere to meet for dinner last night and he texts me back when I’m in the middle of about ten other

Also, now that I have sufficient wine in my system, I must let you all know that the factor that spawned this whole post is I opened up my POF this afternoon only to receive a grainy spread eagle vagina in my inbox. I don’t know what I did to deserve this. I think I might have seen someones cervix today.

I haven’t gotten boob photo requests. I’m a sample population of one, but based on my inbox, I think that requests for vulvas are all the rage for young lesbians.

I’m in! (It may be just the four of us.)

Exactly! It’s not hard to write a damn first comment no matter what people say. “Hi, I saw in your profile, you like Jezebel. I think it’s awesome too. Have you seen the pissing contests? Who’s your favorite Jez writer?” It’s that fucking hard, people.

So once this guy messaged me, “You have the prettiest smile,” and I was super flattered until I looked at my profile and realized I’m not smiling in any of my pictures.

OMG. I had to log in just for this. Ten years ago when I was online dating things were great; I met a few good people and got a couple of decent relationships out of it. But I went back to it this spring for the first time and my experience was the same as yours. I was juggling OKC and Our Time (50+) and I got dozens

You’re worthy of a partner! We both are!