
And you chose Xbox one? my condolences.

What you say is stinking Nintendo fanboy. Sega made Sonic Colors and Generations which was extraordinary games. Someone making a fan game is not going to ruin a company, ever. Nintendo are just some insecure greedy, still stuck in 1993 company.

You sure? Everyone that already wanted to play it have it on PC. I mean, even as someone who mainly play with my PS4, i don’t see the point to get it on it.

Frankly i don’t know why the re release Skyrim, that still looks crappy, and Fo4 is not even good. I cannot care less honestly.

*read the title* well yes, that’s totally what this game is aiming for...

Guilty gear is the true winner of the best graphics for a fighting game.

Typical PC gamer and their insecurity.

I mean, the patch of No man’s sky was adding/changing things more than some DLCs...

You don’t know that.... You don’t even know how the game was build... Destiny did that, a lot of games did that, all they needed was a little update to unlock more stuff in the game, why not this one? We don’t know and again, that my point.

You don’t know shit about how video games works do you? Oh right, i’m on Kotaku lol....

You don,t know? nobody knows what that patch will change. That’s why everything you can do/say about that game is totally obsolete.

It could change a shit ton of things, we don’t know, that’s my point.

People not respecting street dates and buying it in an illegal way tend to do that yea... You could have wait like everyone else.

That’s why you buy games the day they are released, and that’s why you talk about them wen they are being released. Thanks for your waste of time that you wrote.

Keep in mind there will be a day one patch. You play an un-finished version.

Funny to see WiiU owners saying they are fine with the lack of games since the launch of it. I don’t really get how Nintendo fans can endure such just for the fact that they want to accept anything to support them. Its horrendous to buy a console with so little support, WiiU is a terrible joke. For his entire lifespan

R.I.P Nintendo.

Ah, clueless Nintendo is clueless... The art style, gameplay style, everything style is wrong with that game. You could have called it anything without putting the word Metroid but they clearly did so to start a hype with the name, thought it didn’t really worked. I don’t give 2 s*it the creator don’t like the Prime

Mario? yea ok. Ocarina of time? eh, yea... Symphony of the night? Inhuman. Totally crazy.

Yea, i thought he was having a low GS but 174? Man, go make some HVT and come back, there is no way you have the stuff to do the underground don’t blame them for kicking you.