
Not following sports obsessively enough that you know about nonsense like this and being happier for it.

What's a token SB?

Honestly wouldn't surprise me. Tate strikes me as exactly that horrible a person. Does the fact that some of the Seahawks fans are idiots mean you've gotta insult Wilson though? Dude seems like a pretty class act all things considered.

There has never been a bad Mario game.

Your ancestors fled the ocean so fish would stop eating them. Are you going to let the finny little bastards win now?

Being bigoted against opinions that harm other people is a virtue not a vice.

Well it's hard to convey emotions over the Internet. I suppose I could use an emoticon, but they've always struck me as being antithetical to true posting.

I'm deeply sorry that other people existing and having opinions is making you uncomfortable.

They are better off. It's like with a floating poker game. You're way better off being acquaintances with those people, because at some point you are going to either walk away with a bunch of their money (a bunch is anything over ten dollars) or they are going to walk away with yours. Either way it makes otherwise

All fantasy football players are clinically insane.

They can but it is a jerky thing to do. The same way it's a jerky thing to do when a woman asks a guy to shave.

There are no non-problematic infant body parts.

It's always the police. Though there's no reason they couldn't both be lying.

That is super handy, thank you.

If you wanted to fight against Deadspin the best way to do so would be to stop using the Kinja platform. Your presence is what they are selling to advertisers after all. I'm still not getting how this is astroturf. It wasn't an issue made up to sell or advertise a product, it isn't a political identity, (believe it or

I can dig that. Social norms for what's okay in person and what's okay on Twitter are still being written. I feel like if he'd been doing this in person it would have been easier for him to see that he was making people uncomfortable. If he wasn't, some people would be in to this kind of flirting. FWIW, I would

Kind of? If you wouldn't do it while people were around you shouldn't do it on Twitter. Privacy isn't real online (or off if we're being honest), no matter what the Supreme Court says. On a side note, how'd you quote my text? That'd be handy to be able to do in future.

Eh, they say they don't believe in it, but when pressed most of them will somewhat shamefacedly admit that God made it happen. It's the same thing with the Creationists, most of them don't really believe the Earth is 4000 years old and that God made dinosaurs as a test.

Your opinion would carry the same weight with me whether you were native or not. So you think this is an issue that liberals made up and then tricked other people into fighting for? If so, how did we trick people into fighting against us? Also, are there issues that liberals and conservatives disagree on that aren't

A dude being dumb and acting like the internet is anonymous. Basically he (hopefully) wouldn't be that creepy in person, but because it's Twitter he thinks it's okay to hit on people.