Ah! I forgot about the unqualified Trump picks!!!! Thanks for the extra argument to pummel racist idiots with.
Ah! I forgot about the unqualified Trump picks!!!! Thanks for the extra argument to pummel racist idiots with.
Again, if your complaint about Biden pledging to nominate a black woman is that your concern is that it goes to the most qualified person, you’re saying no black woman has ever been qualified. So... *checks notes* Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit.
Shigeru Miyamoto: A rushed game is forever bad
towards a Black subordinate
Bottom line: If you agree with any of these knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers, then you’re essentially saying no black woman has ever been qualified, and that is racism writ large.
Fine with me. Sequels shouldn’t be duplicates, but they should in some degree be familiar.
I absolutely hate that rather than admit they’re homophobic, these people hide behind the ignorant and cowardly shield of being unable to talk to or relate meaningfully to their own children.
From the headline this is what I imagined...
During Kebe’s testimony, she told jurors she knowingly published the lies in order monetize her videos and help grow her business
If you’re mature enough to get pregnant, you’re mature enough to get unpregnant.
Policing experts said it was curious that the troopers did not give Santiago a Breathalyzer test on the scene. Had they done so, and had Santiago failed, he may have been arrested on the spot.
Gonna agree with the others. While someone in IT surely can monitor those things, we really don’t. The only time we do is when some manager goes to HR to ask permission to look at something because they’re trying to get someone fired.
Residency?! Just go on tour! And give me a cheap ticket front row at a venue near my house!!!!
Yeah, his son has a peanut allergy BUT he ordered a “peanut power plus” smoothie for him?!?!? I’m going to have to call it, that whole “parental instinct” thing is bullshit. Likely he was mad cause he knows he fucked up up big time with his son’s life.
Screw you folks for using Chidi and The Good Place for clickbait.
Screw you folks for using Chidi and The Good Place for clickbait.
A Georgia pastor and his first lady
Interestingly enough, one of Sinema’s biggest donors just announced they’re stopping support for her because of her position on voting rights.
Manchin, one of the senators (of our govt) when asked about people losing the right to vote because he, a senator (of our govt) was refusing to allow that right to be protected by, *checks notes* our govt, replied that no one would lose the right to vote because... the govt. Really.
The irony of course is Trump himself is the single biggest cause of white people not getting the vaccine.
Yeah but to be honest I’ll take Biden’s ‘too little, too late” as a welcome return of our governmental norms as opposed to Trump admin’s “we’re going to make things much MUCH worse” malicious incompetence.