
Presumably he wouldn’t have gotten through security or even been allowed to board without a mask. He probably put his panties on as he was boarding.

NFTs Are Just The Beginning... we’re planning all kinds of ways to screw over and rip off our customers!

If I could question people who feel this way I’d really like a definition of the “too” in that statement. How many is too many? Why is it too many? What’s the perceived negative impact when the number if dark skinned npc’s gets too high?

To be fair, in Florida Man terms, this guy is their Oscar Wilde.

years of complaints

the character was bigger than himself

she won’t be returning to the establishment ever again.

I had simply had enough of the game. And of the whole “Ubisoft Formula”

Yeah, outside of the first couple of AC games in which the story driven narrative was incredible, Odyssey is my fave. I don’t even really pay any attention to the AC part of the game, I just enjoy it as an open world mythic Greece sim.

Kinda makes me wonder now if you could achieve this with any drone that streams video and say and Quest 2 vr headset if you could get an app to load for it.

Kinda makes me wonder now if you could achieve this with any drone that streams video and say and Quest 2 vr headset

As I read about the reports from other cops about how upset she was, I thought “Yeah, she just murdered an innocent unarmed person, she’s upset she might go to prison!” naturally not much farther into the article I’m gifted with this gem:

New Orleans is not only known as America’s most haunted city

leaning too heavily on the YA romance.

Absolutely. It’s the difference between an inspired artist with genuine appreciation for what they’re working from and a kneejerk investor idea of “if they liked the cartoon they’ll love the live action!” because they have no appreciation for the value the animated component brings.

Sure, and people enjoyed the live action Cowboy Bebop show. It doesn’t really address what I’m talking about. I didn’t actually say it was objectively bad. It’s the old argument about McD’s selling billions of burgers, but that’s not a comment on their quality.

Vote with our dollars?

Yes. There’s clearly a difference between an artist who appreciates the original ip and and I said, “If they liked that ip, we’ll make money with [insert hollywood star]

Yes, but there are specific cases where the key point of the derivative work IS the new medium it’s being done in. Beethoven was using the moon to show off his music, not using the music to profit off the moon (I think?).

This is the trap of anime. It’s successes invites people to attempt a live-action remakes for profit (understandably) but only those who don’t appreciate the inherent value of the form of anime itself would fall for it.

significantly less tolerance for people with differing “political views”