Can someone at Subaru please put that 2.4-liter turbo into an Impreza hatchback?
Can someone at Subaru please put that 2.4-liter turbo into an Impreza hatchback?
Hm, let’s see... Apathy has a nice ring to it.
I was think the same exact thing.
And there’s a picture of a man who has NEVER been laid.
“The NRA opposes domestic violence and all violent crime, and spends millions of dollars teaching countless Americans how not to be a victim and how to safely use firearms for self-defense,”
Kobe, eat a mile-high pile of ass, you smarmy fucking dork.
Fine. It’s decided.
I hope so!
Jim Jordan would do a line of Trump’s ejaculate if he was asked to
Oh yeah! I was thinking of Rachel Weisz’s character.
Hate to be that guy, but it wasn’t self-inflicted in this one.
Well, at least she wasn’t eating her hair with a fork.
And a hypocrite!