
“See, seven wrongs DO make a right!”

At first glance I read that as “Finally, one girl died...”.

It’s almost... not quite... but ALMOST as wet as the big, wet ocean.

Well, there goes my fantasy football championship...

This is the type of shit that happens when people vote for fascists.

Seriously? It’s from Step Brothers.

I want this to be turned into an open world video game and I want it now.

I feel so much safer now that these future criminals are locked up in cages...

Even more disgusting behavior by a heartless regime. Why am I not surprised...

I have a cat that will play fetch and I’ve never owned a dog.

Yes, and we need to continuously and tirelessly make them show their ugliness in public until the entire country rises up to do something about it. The end.

He also didn’t win the popular vote, and it seems that an outside entity influenced the outcome, so... yeah.

Yeah, my mistake.

I’m going to take that as an actual complement and just hope it wasn’t as condescending as it read.

These people shouldn’t have the opportunity to defend their viewpoint because we as a society made up our minds a long time ago.

I bet he was pretty well pleased.

Did the media truly cover him objectively or did they just park a camera at his rallies and let him rail against Mexicans for an hour and call it fucking news?