
I do agree that humans destroy the environment, and more would only accelerate that process, but this isn’t a payday. 

I’m pretty sure whatever “change” they made directly led to that little brown corn pop getting deported.

Disgusting and deplorable behavior. I hope everyone responsible is satisfied now that this underage, disabled immigrant no longer has any rights to speak of.

I agree with everything except that Goldblum doesn’t put milk in his coffee, he uses half-and-half... like a normal human being.


Now playing

He really needs to beg forgiveness for this crap:

Sorry, makers of this crap, but it’s still too soon.

The only thing fake around here is our so-called president.


Well, now I feel like a real heel.

I could do that job.

There hasn’t been a debate this heated over something this meaningless since The Great Szechuan Sauce Debacle way back in... last week.

Really? Hm.

Well, if Democrats won’t vote for him, he can always very easily switch parties. It wouldn’t be the first time an actor has done so.

Nope, he’s got a better chance then ever since America is now Great Again.

Now playing

This week I’m kickin’ it old school with Cabaret Voltaire’s 2X45:

True, the options don’t get much better, but at this point I think we’re just trying to prevent the complete and total dismantling of our government as we know it... and probably World War III while we’re at it.

Terrible song, great cover.

As a Californian, I like the cut of your jib...