
Well, I certainly don’t approve of what they did but you know, Republicans are always saying they want immigrants to really embrace the American way of life.

This was my motto during Thanksgiving.

Thanks for the simple act of listing this under terrorism. The gymnastics people are displaying to avoid that word/ definition of this act staggers my mind.

Like VP Biden said “It’s a big fucking deal.” Indeed it is, Joe.

So you’re telling me that easier access to healthcare is directly being linked to SAVING lives?

Early diagnosis is SO IMPORTANT YOU GUYS.

Hmm... when someone beats me to an obvious joke, I edit mine out. But we posted at the same minute. What to do, what to do... degrey and cool Obama pic? Degrey and cool Obama pic.

Thanks, Obama. No. Seriously.

“So, your table stopped me and asked what kind of fish they had was because they thought you were lying to them; I told them it was cod and they asked why we didn’t have real fish.”



Was there food, that you could eat? Good wedding.

Errr it’s Astronomy and planetary exploration and this stuff is absolutely incredible. Our nearest neighbor, a dead desert world, has honest flowing water on it! This is as practical a discovery as astronomy has made since we figured the North star doesn’t move

I used to teach elementary art in a really low-income school district near Denver. One student, Franklin, was a third-grader who was homeless and living in a car with his mother at the time. The district and social services were aware and helping as much as possible, but mom was hard to work with due to some ongoing

I have always had a baby face. At 27, I look like I’m a teenager, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be carded well into my thirties.

My first day of my senior year of college, some girl stopped me in the bookstore and asked if she could take a picture of me for some college fashion blog

you’re god damn right you can take a picture of me for your fashion blog

So a week after I started this job, a guy who no longer worked at the publication I worked for died in a car accident. I never met him, and he was a copy editor so it wasn’t like I was familiar in any way with him through what he wrote.
But nevertheless, the EOC said everyone needed to go. So I went. And somehow the

Bitch please, this isn't a didactic story for young children nor is it a sentimental morality tale. You've been reading the Canon of Western Literature for too long so you don't have a context to understand that this story plays out every day. It's very much unresolved. Hugging your mom doesn't surmount the

Beautiful, thank you. Sentimentality gets bad press - what's wrong with some straightforward heartstring-tugging every now and then? And it's my mum's birthday too... wish I'd sent twice as many flowers...

I was bussing home from school, and halfway through the story I started crying. The hardships an Asian parent goes through in a culturally different world just hits too close to home. I remember asking my mom why I couldn't have sandwich lunches like all the other kids, not realizing that her carefully packed fried