
Texting in character as Lincoln? "Good God, this is surely witchcraft!"

Another line from holy grail.

Ain't that a peach?

Even more in the space banana stand.

Missed out on the canceraids.

Heh, with your name I should have figured you weren't a 70 year old tv procedural watcher.

Nope. But then I've never given it a chance. Too much else to watch and do.

I just can't get into network shows apart from Hannibal.

The ghost/soul/spirit was knocked out of his body and that was what was dragged away by the animated demons.

"He's in a prison in the middle east"

Spacee Sticks

I had the same problem, but I got bored a few years later and binged and enjoyed it. Not all seasons are great. I recommend giving it another go.
Start with season 2 then go back or forward. Season 5 is the best of all imo.

graves, standing on the graves? No? Never mind

BackstageAmy "Hey, Goldie, you know what would be funny?"

Austin Powers 4?

At this point i would like to insert gif of Brendon Fraser drunk/clap

Don't go chasing waterfalls, Jiimmy

And this is when you don't prepare a speech

Bring on the metal underwear

hardy har har