

Great film. And it predicted the Bejing Olympics with the correct year in a poster on Scheiders kids wall.

Time to go away again, Dave

Hello friend. I see a little sillouette of a man…Can you see him to?

If they had just made it a sequel instead of remake things would have been better for everyone. It would still have been a 'meh' Movie though.

Do you think they did it or did they buy a cg tiger from life of Pi.

This article really should have had a picture of Pizza the Hutt.

You see that glow flashing in the corner of your eye, Stephen? That's your career dissipation light. It just went into high gear.

Michael Baldwin is too busy drinking to comment, Bruce.

Settle down, Ben. You want us kicked out of Eden?

Hah. Another reason the only Apple product I will ever have is an iPod.

So it's actually '2 Heathers A Guy and a Shitty Remake'?

The scarves
The scarves

"They're our friends" Michael Caine sobs…


Goooood Bye

Dick burping spunk I believe.

Yeah. I sort of give him a pass over the phone call to his wife. As far as we know he wasn't physically abusive, obviously the relationship had fallen apart and the people closest to us know how to push our buttons leading to her taping it and pushing him to snap.

I miss screen checking prints. First internet piracy put that in a box and then digital came and nailed it shut.

That film made me think Kyle was another alien FBI agent in Twin Peaks.